Sunday, November 15, 2009

About Dera Sacha sauda

acha Sauda is not a new religion, cult, sect or wave. Sacha Sauda is that spiritual activity by which God is worshipped under the guidance of Satguru. This path of God realization has been coming down ages since the earliest times. Many saints and seers incarnated in this mortal world and inspired us to do this Sacha Sauda and became the guiding lights of spirtuality. These saints and seers were knowers of this supreme science and tried to make this mystical subject easy for the common man. One such

torchbearer of spirituality was Beparwah Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj who did the most noble of services to mankind by establishing in1948 the spiritual college of Dera Sacha Sauda in order to save people from the complexities, malpractices and superficial rituals that had been afflicting religion and for the salvation of souls

About Sant Gurumeet Ram Rahim singh je

Sant Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan was born on 15 August, 1967 to Sardar Magghar Singh(Father) and Maata(Mother) Naseeb Kaur in the village of Gurusarmodia in Sriganganagar, Rajasthan.

His holiness renounced family life at the age of 23 so that he could dedicate himself to the service of humanity. Guruji has taken up the task of spreading the spiritual teachings of Shah Satnam Ji to people in every corner of the world and is working tirelessly to accomplish this sacred task. Guruji has already shown the path that leads to God realization and salvation to more than one crore people and made them take the vow of staying away from alcohol, non-vegetarianism and adultery.

His holiness has built many ashrams for the benefit of the devout in Gujarat, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, etc. Just looking at the busy and disciplined life of Guruji that is filled with tireless effort, it is easy to comprehend the love that he has for mankind. Guruji’s works are ample evidence of the sayings, “God is love and love is God” and “Selfless service of mankind is the true worship of God.”

Guruji has started a tradition of adoption where couples with many children give away some of them to the ashram and the ashram in turn

gives them to childless couples, thus bringing light into their homes. Hundreds of children have been adopted by childless couples through this tradition.

Guruji has instituted a team of dedicated volunteers who are trained in disaster relief and other humanitarian activities under the banner of Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force. There are already around 30,000 volunteers in this organization. The members of this team have taken the oath that whenever there is a natural calamity, be it in India or any other part of the world, they would be ready to risk their own lives in the service of mankind.

Hazoor Pitaji’s labour of love towards the welfare of mankind is still in progress.

Lots of Deed Done By Dera Sacha Sauda With Under Guidance of Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji( Hazoor Guru Ji)


Love of God is not just a feeling but always involves showing love for God by selfless service to God’s creation. The only path to salvation is by rendering selfless service to God’s creation. “Seva brings you nearer to God Through seva, you realize that all are waves of the ocean of Divinity. “When you consider work as Divine service, you can do it anywhere, at any time. It is an offering to God, an offering to the Truth. Seva is uplifting your own Self, your own people, your own world. It is embracing God’s creation”.


One of the foundational teachings of the Dera Sacha Sauda is Seva: selfless service offered to God. Under Guruji’s inspiration, the sadh-sangat of Dera Sacha Sauda and members of Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force carry out community welfare activities on a regular basis. Donating blood, and fasting for one day in a week and donating the saved food to the needy are two such activities which are encouraged by Guruji.
Many Relief Operation taken by Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force

Relief to Quake Hit Areas of Gujarat, 2000

The remembrance of the terrible quake that struck Gujarat on January 26, 2000 is vividly etched in the minds of the nation. When the devil of death swooped upon thousands of innocents; houses crumbled like castles of sand. The disorder and chaos, the mangled and crushed bodies, and the wails and travails of those who survived, is a tale so distressing that words are rendered speechless. Hazoor Maharaj ji led from the front – to console and heal, and put meaning into the lives of the survivors. A scientific survey and a systematic aid operation followed. In 42 villages, ration depots were setup; thousands of tents were erected, and over 1 lac blankets distributed. The Dera achieved the unique distinction amongst the innumerable organisations from all over the globe to reconstruct the first village and also demonstrate the first urban prototype of a quake resistant house. No less than 5000 volunteers accompanied Guruji, whilst several times the number waited in sirsa for their turn*(return is also possible).

Relief to Tsunami Areas of South India, 2004

A worst natural disaster in the form of cyclone was experienced on the ill-fated day of 26th December 2004. More than one lac people were drowned and washed away by the enormous high tide waves witnessed in the parts of Indian ocean affecting Indonesia, Thailand, Ceylon and India. The severe sting of devastation was observed in the coastal areas of India – in Kerala, Tamilnadu, Orissa and group of Andeman-Nicobar Islands. The loss of life and property was terrible and beyond the capacity of all human expectations. During this period of intense grief and suffering a timely relief operation was launched by Dera Sacha Sauda Sirsa (Haryana) in the worst-damaged areas of Andeman-Nicobar Islands and and Nagapatnam of Tamilnadu state.

Relief to Draught Areas of Rajasthan

Over the last few years, drought has become a vicious cycle for Rajasthan. Failed crops lead to millions of people crossing over to extreme poverty and starvation. The large convoys of fodder laden trucks ready to move from Sirsa for drought relief operations.This, in turn, triggered a wave of migration from the worst affected districts like Churu, Taranagar, Barmer, Jaisalmer etc. Millions of herds of cattle perished since their owners, having reduced to penury, could not feed them. Under this, Dera Sacha Sauda & its devotees provided them 2700 trucks of straw from 2000 to 2003.When Guruji heard of this, a massive drought relief intervention was planned. And the Sangat (devotees) responded to this call with boundless enthusiasm. Needless to say, Saints are concerned with the well being of all God’s creations.

Relief work during flood in Bihar

Hazoor Maharaj Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji showered his blessings on flood-ravaged Bihar in the form of a convoy of relief materials and volunteers for the welfare of the worst hit people of the districts Darbhanga, Muzafarpur, Sitamarhi and Samastipur.

People were reeling in starvation, and their houses and fields submerged. As per the instructions of Hazoor Maharaj Ji – 3600 boxes of biscuits, 170 quintals of rice, domestic items, paper, candles, matchboxes etc. – were also sent along with the food materials. All this was dispatched on 12th August, 2004. After an arduous journey of 72 hours, the members of Shah Satnam Ji Green ‘S’ Welfare Force reached Bihar and undertook the disbursement of aid with their own hands. They traversed 60 villages and covered 22 schools in the relief distribution effort. The administration, seeing this relief work, was immensely grateful and appreciative; and the people were overwhelmed- to say the least.

The question that arises while doing seva is, are we serving God or is God serving us? When milk is offered to a child or a blanket to a shivering brother on the pavement, we are but placing a gift of God into the hands of another. The answer is God serves but He allows us to feel that we are serving. Efforts to serve must spring from concern for the suffering of others and the service must be the genuine effort to get rid of that anguish. Service is built on the strong foundation of Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God…..

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